Great-Grandma Takes Bite Out Of Crime

DAYTONA BEACH, Fla. — A great-grandmother in Daytona Beach bit an assailant and was dragged several feet hanging on to the getaway car of a couple who snatched her purse. Patricia Robertson doesn’t know how she summoned the strength, but the commotion she created helped get her belongings back.

Wonkbook: Jobless aid advances; Kagan wins committee vote; energy bill uncertain

Republican attempts to filibuster the unemployment insurance extension failed yesterday, setting up the bill for final passage over a month after benefits expired; the Senate Judiciary Committee voted to advance Elena Kagan’s Supreme Court nomination to the Senate floor; the Obama administration is moving to reform homeownership by giving renters a bit more consideration; and in a notable …

Mortgage Protection Insurance for my UK home. I need it, but which insurance company shall I choose?

I have been offerred mortgage payment protection insurance by my mortgage lender, but it seems a bit expensive. I think my job is OK, but I do worry as there have been a few people made redundant recently