Great-Grandma Takes Bite Out Of Crime

DAYTONA BEACH, Fla. — A great-grandmother in Daytona Beach bit an assailant and was dragged several feet hanging on to the getaway car of a couple who snatched her purse. Patricia Robertson doesn’t know how she summoned the strength, but the commotion she created helped get her belongings back.

How To Find Cheap Online Home Insurance

You have made a huge investment in your home. Buying a home insurance plan will be the best way to secure your household and your prized assets from natural calamities such as earthquake, riot, fire and other unforeseen events like theft. Though the investment you made while your home is huge, the insurance for your home can come cheap

where can i get insurance and bonding for a house cleaning bussiness consisting of just myself?

I thought it would be super easy to get a quote online WRONG! I can’t seem to find anyone that offers it, can i get insurance and bonding from the same place? I read that i the insurance i would need would be property liability insurance but when i look at some sites it says ” to help protect your belongings” isn’t it supposed to be if i damage someone elses