Mortgage Protection Insurance for my UK home. I need it, but which insurance company shall I choose?

I have been offerred mortgage payment protection insurance by my mortgage lender, but it seems a bit expensive.
I think my job is OK, but I do worry as there have been a few people made redundant recently. There seems to be a lot of mortgage protection insurance online on Google UK, but does anyone have any experience of any companies or more to the point, has anyone been made redundant and had to claim with their mortgage protection insurance provider?

Best reply by Milton K:

I bought my mortgage payment protection insurance (a.k.a. MPPI) from the Insurance brokers Council (you can find them at ) . The process was fairly painless and, unfortunately, I had to claim on mine last year after I was made redundant so I am speaking from first-hand experience. It was a great relief to find the insurance company extremely helpful and all the payments have gone straight into my bank account without a hitch. Furthermore did you know that with this policy you can suspend your claim if you get some temporary or short-term contract work

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Mortgage Protection Insurance for my UK home. I need it, but which insurance company shall I choose?

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