Why would you listen to an insurance agent? Would you rather meet him in your home or his office? Why?

Best reply by greenstreet2000:

Are you insane? If not, you will be soon.

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Why would you listen to an insurance agent? Would you rather meet him in your home or his office? Why?

0 thoughts on “Why would you listen to an insurance agent? Would you rather meet him in your home or his office? Why?”

  1. If you believe in insurance, they will provide some advises to teach you choosing insurance for you. But some of the insurance agents just want to get money from your pocket, and suggest you to buy anything.
    If you do believe this agent, it’s possible to meet him/her at coffee shop/

  2. As an Insurance Agent, I meet people in their homes, places of work or at my office.

    People listen to insurance agents and do business with them when they care about preparing for uncertain future events that could had severe financial consequences or they don;t have the resources to battle every lawsuit out there.

    If you are a zillionaire, you don’t need (much) insurance. If you are dirt poor, you don’t need insurance – the government will take care of you. Just be prepared to give up your house and any financial assets. And don’t complain about where the care is provided or the quality of that care.

  3. Agents help you secure your assets. They also help identify areas of concern that you may not realize you have. They know the laws and what you must have vs. what you think you need.

    You should meet your agent where you feel comfortable. I would choose their office to see how they opperate.

  4. This is a good question. Many insurance agents I have met really don’t know squat about the coverages afforded by the policies they sell. Generally speaking, agents are SALESPEOPLE, not insurance people.

    You need to discuss your insurance needs with someone who works in an insurance claims or underwriting department. They are the ones who know the policies. Agents will tell you whatever you want to hear to get the sale……”Sure, you’re covered for it!” Only to find out after the fact from the claims people you are not.

    Again, this probably does not apply to EVERY agent out there, but generally speaking, agents suck.


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