Why didn’t I get home insurance?

Recently I tried to get home insurance, but I don’t know why they have rejected my application, Does it happen?? Shall I try another company?? Any online companies?

Best reply by Kay:

Hmmm. Can you ask the reason? It could be you are too big of a risk. For instance, your home is too old, or you have a dog of a breed known to bite, or something. I would ask.

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Why didn’t I get home insurance?

0 thoughts on “Why didn’t I get home insurance?”

  1. Ask for the reason for rejecting the home insurance….It may be due to the mistakes in the document of the home….It should be valid then only we will get the insurance…They need a clear document and it should be properly registered…They check all the basic needs and if it is clear then they approve your document and it is mandatory steps for all insurance company…So find the reason then go for the next company…


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