As a primerica representative do we get paid on auto & home insurance referrals done online?

I’m a primerica representative and I was wondering if any other primerica reps had an answer to this question. WIth primericasecure do we get paid on all referrals done online as well or just on the ones that call the 1-888 number?

Also is it possible to change my RVPS? The one i have does offer much support and he never knows anything but never tries to find an answer for me either.

Best reply by Babe:

You need to contact Primerica Accounting for your first question OR your immediate supervisor for both of them.

If your immediate supervisor is the RVPS, perhaps you can go to your next line up? Someone within the company should have the answers to your questions.

Read the original question here
As a primerica representative do we get paid on auto & home insurance referrals done online?

0 thoughts on “As a primerica representative do we get paid on auto & home insurance referrals done online?”

  1. You will get paid only on completed applications and the client makes first month payment. Of course, you won’t know what’s going on since you are only referring people and you are not licensed to know or even talk about auto & homeowner’s insurance. Answer Financial Inc will handle the whole process.

    It doesn’t matter which way the client prefers to get quotes. But it is highly recommended that you urge your clients to call the toll free numbers. Quotes online are only an estimate and can be confusing to the client since there’s lots of information to fill out, but if they call the number, they will get an accurate quote. Plus, there’s a higher success rate by having the clients call the number since clients will have questions and only Answer Financial Inc can answer those questions because they are licensed and are experts in this area.

    Your role in all this is to refer people to it and try to schedule an appointment with the client to show them what you do.

  2. “The one i have does offer much support and he never knows anything but never tries to find an answer for me either.”

    I find it very hard to believe that a “REGIONAL VICE PRESIDENT” never knows anything. LOL


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