0 thoughts on “What do I need to do to be Auto and home insurance agent? and how to study for that exam?”

  1. Cheating on the test is not the answer. Just study the book, if they have given you one. There is always a way to go online and look for insurance agent and auto exams pre test. I joined with Primerica and I am loving it. We help people get out of debt, invest, do mortgages and life insurance. I think you would be much happier with Primerica, than the other comany. You get to be your own boss. Check it out at http://www.primerica.com

  2. You can find groups that offer classes to help you pass the Life/health or property insurance exams. A lot of times schools that teach realty agents will offer also a course for insurance agents. Finally there are some Internet groups that also will help.

    All of the classes are a class you will pay for but if you think you will not be able to pass it on your own then this might work for you.

    Also remember you can take the test more than once. I would study take the test, find out where I was weak (if I did not pass) and study that area. I did pass the test the first (AZ) with out a class, just read the book. I really don’t think it is as hard as they want you to believe it is.

  3. I’m thinking, if you don’t know how to do it, and you don’t know how to study, then maybe you should get a job at a local agency, so they can teach you about the business there.

  4. The auto and home policies are under the Property & Casualty (also known as P&C) license class. I know in my state you have to have a “sponsoring company” and 40 hours of class time, then take a state issued exam within 6 months. To get more info, visit your state’s Department of Insurance website or speak with a local agent on who is giving the classes. And don’t forget, once licensed, most states require continuing education credit classes. Be sure to get your info on that too.


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