How should I shop for home owners insurance.?

I want to make sure I’m covered for falling objects i.e. trees and other things; break-ins; acts of God. What information should i/shouldn’t volunteer to the insurance agent to get the best quote? I live in Detroit, MI
oh, i’m also married and my husband and i are 26 years old.

Best reply by Miss V:

There are general items covered in each policy. If it’s a single family home (not a townhome or condo) you’ll be quoted a price for a H03 policy. You can add extra coverage for jewelry, other items.

Answer what you’re asked. If you have a pit bull or another dangerous pet, say so. If you exclude this info and someone is bitten or harmed later, it won’t take a lot of probing for them to determine that you purposely withheld info.

Your age and marital status doesn’t matter.

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How should I shop for home owners insurance.?

0 thoughts on “How should I shop for home owners insurance.?”

  1. To make sure you have the right coverage, read any proposed policy very carefully! You have a period to review the policy during which you can cancel without a penalty. Be sure to ask any company or agent what that period is to confirm how much time you have to review the policy.

    Be sure to answer all questions asked by the insurer or its agent truthfully and fully. If you are found to have withheld information that is pertinent to your coverage, you can have your coverage cancelled immediately.

    Beyond that, you aren’t required to volunteer anything that isn’t asked or doesn’t pertain to your coverage.

    Sometimes, an agent or company will ask for your social security number, in order to do a credit check. While it isn’t a bad thing for an insurer to check your credit, you NEVER want to volunteer your SSN. Given the fact of identity theft, this is critical information that you only want to give when absolutely required by law. An insurer can do a credit check without this number.

  2. Get a referral to several Michigan based agents and get some quotes. If the quotes seem outrageous, shop some more. Companies base rates on territory, their claims experience in the territory, credit and sometimes age are rated as well so quotes will vary a great deal. Also look for rates on your autos, this will give you discounts both ways.

    Most of the issues you bring up are covered except trees falling; most policies have some limit on tree removal (usually $500) depending on the circumstance. Offer up any information on updates to the house, don’t hold any information back. Honesty is best, always.

    Having grown up in Boston, my two favorite teams: The Celtics and anyone beating the Pistons. Way to go Cavs!


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