My auto/home insurance agent told someone that I referred to him that my rates went up due to a bankruptcy I had. I was not present when he disclosed this private information about me to them. What rights do I have here? The insurance company is trying to smooth things over with me by being nice but they haven’t offered me anything other than moving my policies to another agency. But they did ask me what they can do to make me “feel better”…….
Best reply by donthaveaclue:
That is the bad thing about Big Brother watching over us…Sh1t happens
Read the original question here
My Insurance agent disclosed my personal credit information to someone else….?
Well, what he did was unethical, at best.
You’re not going to get a discount on your insurance, if that’s what you’re hoping for. But you could file a complaint in writing with your state insurance commissioner, and if he’s done that before, you could possibly get his license revoked and put him out of business.
Legally, he violated the privacy laws. You can consult with a lawyer, to see if that means he has to pay you any money. I’m betting not, though. Although it was embarrassing, there’s no loss of anything except reputation, to you.
I am in no way condoning what this agent did. However, he or she might have believed that your friend already knew about the bankruptcy or your friend might have just had a suspicion and made a statement in such a way that the agent confirmed the suspicion.
Frankly while it is a direct violation of privacy laws that the agent must adhere to, bankruptcy filings are public record and if your friend was curious they could have obtained the information on their own through any number of methods. What exactly did you lose? If the agent did not do this on purpose, my advice is for you to move on. Life is too short to be in angst about stuff like this.