My Home Owners Insurance Agent does not call me back?

I’m in a situation were I need to contact my Home Owners Insurance Agent. After many unsuccessful call attempts and leaving many messages and emails, I am extremely dissatisfied because of this. What should I do?

Best reply by knowitall:

Call the home office of whoever you are with and complain.

Read the original question on Yahoo! site
My Home Owners Insurance Agent does not call me back?

0 thoughts on “My Home Owners Insurance Agent does not call me back?”

  1. if this is a big company, they will have a supervisor/manager that oversees all of the agents.

    call the main office and ask for either of above. they will most likely make sure that the agent responds to you, or you could ask that they assign you a different agent.

    good luck

  2. Are you unable to talk to ANYONE in his office who could help you, or are you only wanting to talk to him directly?

    He could be in the hospital, or on vacation or something. Call the office, explain you’re a customer, ask for him to call you back, ask WHEN he’ll return your call. Explain you’ve left quite a few messages.

    Otherwise, you have to call the insurance company, ask for the territory manager, explain that Joe Smith, your agent, is not returning your calls, what paperwork do you need to transfer your policy to a different agent who can help you.

  3. Most insurance agents pay an office full of licensed staff who are just as capable of helping you. Many agents are the owners of the business and hire out staff agents who handle the claims, quoting and servicing.

    It’s simple, talk to whomever answers the phone and verify if that person is a licensed property and casualty agent. Explain your problem or ask your question. They will help you if they are able.

    If you are unable to reach anyone, then you have a legitimate right to contact the company directly. Here’s what will happen if you do. They will contact the agent and if the owner/agent is unavailable they will most likely have one of the staff call you back. Right back where you started.


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