For home insurance, should I give a list of items to the insurance agent?

For home insurance, should I give a list of items to the insurance agent

Best reply by Jimmy:

Yes I think. The Insurance Office need the list of items so as to compute their premium. The list would inform them of the level of risk involved in the particular instance.

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For home insurance, should I give a list of items to the insurance agent?

0 thoughts on “For home insurance, should I give a list of items to the insurance agent?”

  1. No. Homeowners’ package policies provide a certain amount of contents coverage, and the agent does not have to list your items. It’s a good idea to keep a list, photos, or video for yourself so that if you do have a claim you will have the record of what you owned. The only way your agent should need a list is if you have scheduled personal property (like jewelry, furs, etc), and then they will need an appraisal.

  2. Are they asking for it? If not, no. But you sure could ask them to keep the backup of your video tape, from your inventory, in their file.


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