Long Term Care Insurance Goes Online; Reducing Paper Flow, Leading Agency Offers Applications by Internet

If you’re in the market for long term care insurance but hate to fill out applications and wait, wait, wait, a leading agency has an alternative for you. Dispense with the paper and the delay; complete an electronic application, with live hand-holding, and get an answer pronto.

Great-Grandma Takes Bite Out Of Crime

DAYTONA BEACH, Fla. — A great-grandmother in Daytona Beach bit an assailant and was dragged several feet hanging on to the getaway car of a couple who snatched her purse. Patricia Robertson doesn’t know how she summoned the strength, but the commotion she created helped get her belongings back.

UK Insurers Log Onto Twitter to Catch Fraudsters

IPSWICH, UNITED KINGDOM–(Marketwire – July 27, 2010) – Car insurance companies are targeting social networking sites, particularly Twitter, in order to catch out fraudsters who are causing the cost of insurance premiums to rise at their fastest rate ever, according to the AA British Insurance Premium Index.