The Insurance Agent

By MostChoice

The successful insurance agent always stays informed on how he or she can improve themselves both personally and professionally. In these days of fast paced lifestyles and the quickly disappearing face-to-face communication styles of doing business, the professional has to adapt. First, your personal good health is an important component to the success of your business. Second, I’ll present some proven business and customer satisfaction strategies that will guarantee you a thriving business and continued success for the future.

Taking care of your personal health is very often overlooked. The daily life of the professional is fraught with burnout and responsibilities. Many of us juggle on a daily basis the demands of family, parenting and other essential duties. Even the regular duties of getting the dog to the vet, grocery shopping and paying the bills, to name a few, can become dreaded tasks. Eventually, we’re going to get burned out and possibly ill. There are strategies to keeping a healthy mind and body.

Start having a social life outside of work. Just like your daily “to-do” lists at work, start planning a social “to-do” list. In other words, don’t forget to have some fun. Listen to your favorite music for a few minutes each day. Take in a concert or musical affair. Go out to dinner occasionally.

Exercise. Start going to the gym or fitness club. A healthy physical body will give the hard working professional the energy needed to be both highly productive and active socially. Go for a short walk in your neighborhood. Get some fresh air and breath.

Manage your time wisely. Poor time management can be costly. Missing appointments or being late NEVER looks good. The client’s time is just as valuable as yours.

Aside from these tips to stay healthy physically, don’t forget your mental health. Be sure to take regular breaks away from your desk, the phone, the laptop or anything else keeping you chained to your desk.

So, you might ask, what does this mean for me? Many studies have shown that productivity levels significantly decrease for the professional that doesn’t take time for fun, a social life, rest and exercise. If you become both physically and mentally weary, your customers are going to notice.

Many professionals are keenly aware of the saying “presentation is everything”. When you present yourself to a potential client, be it on the phone or in person, it is important to be at your best. I don’t know about you but I would definitely re-think associating with any professional that was unkempt in appearance or tired and sluggish in communications with me. It is very difficult to convince your potential clients to accept your advice to stay healthy when you appear physically ill yourself. Be a role model of what you’re trying to sell. Now that you have some vital information to help you stay personally healthy, let’s examine some strategies to keep your business thriving and profitable.

Continuing Education

Many professional associations offer continuing education workshops, seminars or classes. If you are not a member of a group or organization in your field, then look into classes at an institution of higher learning. It is imperative that you keep up to date on the latest news or information regarding the type of insurance you provide. Don’t forget–classes in human psychology can go a long way in providing you an advantage to understanding your customers better.

Network! Network! Network! Experienced agents know that aligning themselves with a company that will appreciate their skills is a must. Building a customer base with a reliable and strong company that can bring the clients to you is valuable. Your reputation as an experienced, reliant and self-assured insurance agent will guarantee a successful business and many good leads for clients.

The Psychology Of It All

Building a relationship with your customer(s) is integral to your success as an insurance professional. People want quality service. They rely on you to guide them into making the best decisions around their insurance coverage needs. If they don’t trust that you know what you are doing (remember the continuing education and how you present yourself?), they will not buy anything you have to offer. How can we gain their trust?

First and foremost, if you have been informed of a potential client looking for insurance, contact them immediately. As mentioned earlier, people want quality service. A quickly returned phone call sets a good first impression. This action alone tells your customer you care about their needs and are interested in their inquiry.

Next, follow through with what you promised in a timely manner. For example, if you stated you would get back to them in 48 hours on a matter, then return your call within that time.

Be sure you are giving them the appropriate and best advice you can. Obviously, I can’t stress the “educational” component enough in this article. None of us knows the answer to everything and it is acceptable to say I don’t know to a client’s question. Let them know that you will find the answer.

A healthy, informed and experienced insurance agent that is genuinely attentive to their client’s best interests and communicates that effectively will have a successful business.

About the Author: Article was written by MostChoice is a free national service which speeds up & simplifies the process of finding insurance, real estate, and financial products by connecting consumers with expert agents. Reproductions of this article must include a link to


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