Find a Cheap Home Owner's Insurance Quote in Louisiana | Useful …

Therefore, Louisiana home owners must make sure their homes are as wind- and water-resistant as possible. Home owner insurance companies are going to look at several factors regarding these kinds of resistance as they determine a Louisiana home ..

What Your Pennsylvania Homeowners Insurance Does Not Cover

You will note when taking out pa homeowners insurance the policy has a very clear exclusions statement. Pennsylvania policies do not include floods, landslides, mud slides, volcanoes, water seepage, landslides, sewage as well as many …

Preparing for Hurricanes

At a forum on hurricane preparedness, held Tuesday evening at the Southampton Cultural Center, Tom Crowley shared a cautionary tale with the audience. Crowley, an independent insurance agent, lives close to the water in Southampton Town. Every year he griped about paying for flood insurance and around 11 years ago canceled his policy.