FDRs jobless benefits act turns 75

FDRs jobless benefits act turns 75 By Mike Gorrell The Salt Lake Tribune Updated Aug 13, 2010 06:02PM MDT This year alone, 84,340 Utahns have filed new initial claims for unemployment insurance benefits. That number easily exceeds the total number of Utahns in the nonagricultural work force when President Franklin Roosevelt signed federal legislation 75 years ago today, creating the federal …

Insurance Agents : How to Negotiate a Total Loss Insurance Claim

When negotiating a total loss insurance claim, it’s important to have already filed the report immediately after the accident. Discover how a total loss settlement is up to a claims adjuster with information from a licensed insurance agent in this free video on insurance agents and insurance companies. Expert: Doug Leavy Contact: TampaBayInsurance.net Bio: Doug Leavy, of Strategic Insurance, has been in the insurance industry for nearly a decade

Insurance Agents : How to Negotiate a Total Loss Insurance Claim

When negotiating a total loss insurance claim, it’s important to have already filed the report immediately after the accident. Discover how a total loss settlement is up to a claims adjuster with information from a licensed insurance agent in this free video on insurance agents and insurance companies. Expert: Doug Leavy Contact: TampaBayInsurance.net Bio: Doug Leavy, of Strategic Insurance, has been in the insurance industry for nearly a decade

Home Contents Insurance Online

By David Thomson It is only when you sit down and carefully itemise all of your personal possessions in your home that it begins to sink just how much of an investment they represent – or quite what a sum it would cost if you had to replace them all. It is surprising, therefore, how many people overlook the importance of home contents insurance and that amongst those who have taken the precaution of purchasing some form of cover remain nevertheless inadequately insured. So what are the risks that the contents of your home are exposed to?