Get the right amount of life insurance

QUESTION: My husband and I own our home, plus we have two rental homes and two investment homes that are now for sale. My husband recently cashed out his whole life policy and ended up with around $6,000. Given the assets we own and the fact that we have a $250,000 line of credit, my husband feels we don’t need life insurance any longer, so he also wants to terminate my policy.

Get the right amount of life insurance

QUESTION: My husband and I own our home, plus we have two rental homes and two investment homes that are now for sale. My husband recently cashed out his whole life policy and ended up with around $6,000. Given the assets we own and the fact that we have a $250,000 line of credit, my husband feels we don’t need life insurance any longer, so he also wants to terminate my policy.

Homeowners insurance policy may not cover an empty home

In many neighborhoods around the country, “for sale” signs outnumber telephone poles, and some of those signs are looking awfully weather-beaten. Even owners of oceanfront properties are having trouble finding buyers, at least at a price that will cover the amount they owe on the home.