Did You Choosing The Right Home Insurance Company?

The uncertainty of global conditions continue to grow with the continuous and increased mobility in our lives, the meaning of home insurance will become more shine. The first thing you think of when talking about home insurance is an insurance premium from the house itself. This is very important and always the first thing that came to our minds, because this is a major part of your expenses

Liability Insurance Cost for Babysitting, House-sitting, etc.?

I saw a few ads on Craigslist for people who did sort of a “3 in 1” business of babysitting, house-sitting, and pet-sitting. I was wondering if liability insurance would cover a small business that offered all three of those services and, if so, what the general price range for something like that might be

Home Owners Insurance – What to look out for?

We are currently looking for home owners insurance for our new house (first house) and now I have a few questions: 1) What are the “important” questions to ask while getting a quote? 2) So far I received several quotes already and all of them vary quite a bit. What are the most important points I have to look at, so I can compare “Apples-to-Apples”