is there a website that tells you about complaints or ratings on an insurance company?

I work for a mortgage company in Southest Louisiana. A custome of mine got an insurance quote from some company online. They quoted $1400/year for a house that costs $190,000. I closed on a house 3 months ago that sold for $160,000 and their insurance was $3300/year. Something doesn’t sound right, especially since we are in a hurricane affected area. Soemone please help!!!

Best reply by Elaine F:

better busness bureau

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is there a website that tells you about complaints or ratings on an insurance company?

0 thoughts on “is there a website that tells you about complaints or ratings on an insurance company?”

  1. Shop around for the best rate. Maybe your customer has a better credit rating, different coverage (full replacement versus non-full replacement) Yes, you can get insurance ratings online. I think it is thru AM Best but maybe that’s only life insurance companies. Call your customer’s company, maybe they can do the same for you. Good luck!

  2. First do your research. There are many variables insurance companies use on each individual house and person buying coverage. It could be the person with the higher rate is rated a higher risk for some reason. If they are different insurance companies then it is called free commerce! You can charge what ever you want if some idiot is willing to pay it.
    For a valid complaint register it with the
    Better Business Bureau

  3. You should be able to go to a web site for the state that you live and it will tell you that information, I believe.
    I am an insurance agent and I know in the state I live, you can look up about anything you need to know. You should be able to see if there are any other complaints against them. Or call them. Best of luck to you.


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