Protecting your home with house insurance does not have to work out expensive if you look around and choose your policy with care. You could take contents and buildings together as a combined policy, or choose to buy them independently of each other.
Your belongings inside your home are protected by a home contents policy which you have to take an inventory of to make sure that you get the right sum insured. The outer shell of your home and non removable items are covered by a buildings insurance policy.
House insurance will allow you to replace lost contents and to make repairs to the structure of your home if it should suffer damage due to an unforeseen event, such as fire or theft.
Without a policy to fall back on if your home or contents were destroyed due to fire, vandalism, theft etc you would have to pay for replacements and rebuilding costs yourself which could easily run in to hundreds of thousands of pounds.
House insurance quotes vary considerably so you need to check several policies and the best way to do this is by going on the internet with a specialist website who will get the quotes for you. All you have to then is to compare costs and the policy benefits and features on a like-for-like basis.
How can you save money on your home insurance?
One of the ways which you can save money on the cost of cover for your home is by electing to pay out more for the excess. This is the amount you have to pay in the event of a claim before the policy provider would take over the costs. All policy companies will state how much you pay in their terms but if you offer more, you will often pay lower monthly premiums.
Bulking up the security of your home can help too. Walls and fences around the property along with security measures such as quality alarms, door locks and surveillance systems all go a long way towards how much you would pay for the premiums for your policy.
The amount you pay in premiums will also be decided by how much you choose to protect your contents for. So always be careful to come to the correct figure so that you are not paying over the odds for your policy. Include everything from clothing to furnishings to books and DVDs.
And sticking with the same insurance provider year after year can often mean that you are paying well over the odds for your policy. Always compare policies in order to get for cheaper premiums each and every year your cover need renewing.
An important point to note is that when taking out policy cover for the home, always look at the details of the policy. Usually you would have to add on extra cover if you had valuable jewellery or expensive collections that you wanted to insure.
Finally, house insurance can often work out a cheaper if you take out contents and buildings cover as a combined policy with one provider.
Excerpt from: Getting the Best Deal on Your House Insurance