Can my Home Owners Insurance Agent deny my claim without presenting to the insurance company?

I made a claim via email and phone to my agent and he first said I was coverfed and then two days later he in an email that my homeowner’s policy didn’t cover that peril. I checked with my Insurance company later and they said I never made a claim. Is it legal for an agent to deny my claim without submitting it to the company?

Best reply by fighting saints:

What your agent did is unethical at least and may be illegal at worst depending on your state laws and Fair Claim Practices Act.

I assume you reported the claim to the insurance company. The agent had no business not turning the claim. It’s OK for them to tell you that it likely won’t be covered but they still have to turn the claim in.

After your claim is resolved with the company whether they pay you or not you need to dump this agent.

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Can my Home Owners Insurance Agent deny my claim without presenting to the insurance company?

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