The Questions You Should Always Ask Your Insurance Agent

A good concept to remember when dealing with any insurance agent that they are people too that are capable of making mistakes. It is also important to keep in mind the type of insurance company being dealt with because policies and coverage vary from company to company. Questions should always serve to inform the customer of rights and privileges offered by the policies.

The first and probably most important question to pose at all insurance agents is how they will help you when filing a claim. Filing claims usually come in a stressful environment so it is important to articulate and pose questions directly. This is important because companies want to settle for the least amount of money as possible.

Another good question to ask an insurance agent is what is not covered by the policy. It is never a good situation when a home, car, or a person’s body is hurt or damaged. It can be equally as stressful to find out that the costs of repairs or medical bills are not covered by a policy. Always know and understand what is and more importantly what is not covered by an insurance policy.

One of the most important questions to ask an insurance claims adjuster is the total money that can be accrued in cases of claims. This question can help a person prepare for eventual accidents by giving them the knowledge of what they’ll have to spend on repairs or in hospital bills. Be careful when asking this question because agents will inflate numbers to get a person to sign with a company.

Asking questions is the right of all Americans who wish to obtain car, house, health, life, and disability insurance. Finding out how claims are made, what is not covered, and how much a person is reimbursed by the insurance company will aid a person in times of trouble. Remember that it is better to speak up and be heard rather than to be dictated to, especially by insurance companies.

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