How can I find a stay at home online job of processing medical insurance claims without having to leave home?

Best reply by brittany_mo2000:

Check out, this site sounds pretty good and they have a variety of jobs to choose from. I’m thinking about joing in about two weeks. If you join b4 me, then let me know how it turns out.

Read the original question here
How can I find a stay at home online job of processing medical insurance claims without having to leave home?

0 thoughts on “How can I find a stay at home online job of processing medical insurance claims without having to leave home?”

  1. I spent a lot of hours researching how to make money at home! Looking for opportunities that didn’t cost me money to do.I don’t know about processing medical insurance as a way of making extra money and I don’t believe in any “get rich quick” or “make $30,000 a month” scams. But I did find a site ( I would have copied and pasted the information but I don’t want to break or violate any copyright laws, but I will post the link below)..Presently I spend close to 12 hours a week, depending on my free time, doing 3 different ways to make a regular income from the internet
    (1)You can sell items on the Internet. I started out by selling extra items that I had at home, now I go to yard sales, check out discount bins at my local stores, etc and resell them on the net.
    (2) You also can start a blog and or build a website. It take a little time to make money from your blog or website, but if done properly it will pay for itself in the long run
    (3) Probably the easiest way to make extra money is by “reading emails”.
    Also.. Feel free to email me through “yahoo answers” (just click on my “yahoo name), If you have any questions about my recommendations to make money at home


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